Deep in the Heart of Forestburg, lies a little piece of Montague Co history!! This unique, 100 yr old rural community building has a lot of stories to tell over the years. It’s been a pharmacy, shoe factory, grocery store, sewing shop, antique store, restaurant, community event center and currently houses The Life Church, a paying monthly lease tenant. The Church is now paying $800per month and covers their utilities and insurance, Seller pays taxes only. The current 4100sf interior houses 4 segmented office areas, a large open congregational area, a carved out open section, a huge commercial kitchen, 2 bathrooms, and a spacious back storage area. South side of bldg has a covered awning and the front of the building greets the locals with an iconic, covered front porch that welcomes everyone around. So many possibilities await this location and this growing community that is seeing abundant expansion in all directions. 12 miles to Saint Jo, 14 miles to Montague Courthouse