The property is located at 3120 S Shiloh Road, Garland, Dallas Tx
Zoning Jurisdiction City of Garland. Zoning Designation S09-10. According to Kelly Frazier with the City of Garland, the subject lies
within a Planned Development Shopping Center District with a Specific Use Permit allowing for use as a car wash.
Permitted Uses Car Wash subject to regulations within approved plat and various other ordinances including PD 08-52 and IH-635 Development Standards.
The building size stated on the tax records is 3,832 square feet.
Development Opportunity Located within the South Garland Avenue Catalyst area which represents one of the City’s key
commercial corridors a gateway into the City from I-635 and an historic arterial connection to downtown Dallas. The City’s
overall strategy is to diversify large infill sites (e.g., Hypermart and Garland Shopping Center) to transform the Area into a
viable employment-training center, taking advantage of regional transit access.