It’s the perfect balance of peace and convenience. The sellers have said..It has been a privilege to live here. The home is situated in the middle of the property, giving you a beautiful view of it as you come up the drive.Custom-built home positioned never be directly in the sun,yet allows for plenty of sunlight during the day.The kitchen and dining areas are modern and spacious for enjoying home. You’ll find that this home can have every contemporary feature you want,though you’ll fall in love with it just as it is.The first thing you’ll see as you drive up to the home is a beautiful, two-story non-traditional ranch home. Non-traditional in that it’s a 2-story 3,200 sq ft home that can best be described as “ranchy,” but not feeling like you’re living on a working ranch, though there is plenty of room for livestock 8.4 acre property if you’re so inclined. Bonus Room is above garage appox 400 SQ feet. Videos posted Youtube search the address.