High Traffic with Little Access to the Competition. This Commercial Property is 3.66 +- Acres. 1.7 +- Acres can be developed. Zoned LI – Light Industrial. A Convenience Store – Gas Station is Needed on the West Bound side of US 380. There are NO Convenience Stores on the North Side of US 380 for 7 miles. The new Traffic Inlands on the highway make it very difficult to access the 3 Stores on the southside. The LI district is intended to provide locations for a variety of light industrial and employment uses such as light manufacturing, assembly, fabrication, warehousing and distributing, indoor and outdoor storage, and a wide range of supporting commercial uses and activities. The LI district provides a variety of transportation options for access including transit, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities. The LI district provides appropriate transitions to surrounding uses and lower-intensity districts and is sensitive to the adjacent built and natural context.