Bar D is a well established business in San Saba with Hwy 16 Frontage. This business has been ran by the same family since 2011 and is a turn-key operation with reliable staff. This listing includes EVERYTHING. You will also receive family recipes which includes all the beer recipes and the FAMOUS QUESO SECRET FAMILY RECIPE! In the summer months they get tons of business from out of towners visiting and all the bikers, they will stop by for wings, burgers and cold beer! During the winter months they get tons of business from all the out of town hunters. The hunters like to come in for a boys weekend and stop by for football and cold beer! And I can’t forget to mention Fish Fridays! Fish Fridays brings all the locals out for fresh fish, hush puppies, beans and cole slaw! If you’ve ever dreamed of living the simple laid back life of a small town while enjoying serving the public then this is the perfect new adventure for you!
The sellers are willing to help with the transition.